Privacy Policy

Hey there, beautiful souls! Your trust means the world to us. That’s why we’re committed to safeguarding your privacy. This policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your information. Take a moment to read through, and if you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

What Information Do We Collect?

When you interact with UnityPulse, we may collect the following types of information:

  • Personal Information: Like your name, email, and other details when you register or make a purchase.
  • Non-Personal Information: Data related to your site usage, preferences, and more.

When Do We Collect Information?

We collect information when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, or simply browse our site.

How Do We Use Your Information?

We use your information to:

  • Personalize your experience, so you see content that matters to you.
  • Improve our website, because we’re always looking to up our game.

How Do We Protect Your Information?

Your safety is our priority. Our website undergoes regular security checks, and while we don’t ask for sensitive information like credit card numbers, we do our best to make your visit secure.

Cookies, Anyone?

Yes, we use cookies. These help us understand your preferences and improve your site experience. You can manage cookies through your browser settings.

Third-Party Sharing

We don’t sell or trade your information. Period. We may collaborate with third-party services for operational purposes, but they’re bound to keep your info confidential.

Your Choices

You can opt-out of any advertising services through your browser settings or by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.

Children’s Privacy

We don’t target or collect information from children under 13. Parents, you’re in control here.

Legal Stuff

We comply with the California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA) and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). If there’s a data breach, we’ll notify you within 7 business days.

Changes to This Policy

We’ll keep you in the loop about any changes to this policy right here on this page.

Contact Us

Got questions? Reach out to us at